Who is the asshole?

This is my response to an article that was published recently called 8 Things Some A$$#ole Says in Every Debate About Sexism. The overarching problem that I find with the premise of this article is that if you disagree with feminist arguments that you are inherently an asshole.

The post starts out by stating “The first and worst asshole technique for arguing against feminism is demanding proof of sexism every single time the subject is raised”. In an ideal world everyone would be informed, knowledgeable and conscious of a wide variety of prominent issues in the world. The part of this that just hurts my brain is that how can anyone expect people to gain this insight when they are berated for asking a question.

I understand how in many ways feminists encounter recurring inquire about sexism and the necessity of feminism can be quite frustrating. But, just with any controversial movement there is a learning curve. For a number of reasons I identify as a feminist. But, I can also say that in my daily life, i personally do not feel like I encounter many of the problems that largely effect women. As I grew up with many strong female influences in my life, am in a program that is mainly populated with women, also having a professor like Dr. Seirlis, many feminist friends, and the list goes on, I see powerful women pursuing their dreams despite the patriarchy.

Now I am not trying to say that this article doesn’t make some good points, or to invalidate issues in sexism. What I am question is the concept that there is no room for discussion. Another (female) instructor of mine, Victoria Ford, has said she is wary of anyone who says they know all there is to know about a subject. In my experience, many arguments surrounding sexism have been decided before the discussion begins. Just because someone doesn’t understand your perspective doesn’t make them evil or ignorant or an asshole. Is it not possible that through difficult questions that you will only strengthen your argument and support it through critical thinking? Overall, the feminist movement has not won its battle and this article keeps on preaching to its own choir.

Feminism, like any movement has a variety of people on a spectrum of understanding. Some are the radicals that make everyone else look like crazy people. I think a major recurring theme that I find in relation to this problem is that it in some ways is trying to police how people approach a subject that they feel should just be accepted. People in general don’t like being attacked for having a question or even a *gasp* a misunderstanding. You can’t force people to think the way you do and they will definitely not find empathy when they are being berated for differing opinions.

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